Special Resources
This is your access to this special webpage where you can find a collection of printables. While the printables are general, you can still learn valuable lessons and adapt them to your business or situation. This way, you can take immediate action, even if it’s not perfect yet. Over time you’ll develop your style and adapt my ideas and techniques to your business.
Celebrating success is vital to having success, so grab this important printable to help you set goals, celebrate wins, and stay motivated!
There are more downloads below, but first:
Let’s get you Primed for Success!
This session is specifically designed for direct sellers and party plan consultants. It’s recommended that you start with a few minutes on a slow speed to take it in consciously. Then end with a minute on a high speed to send it straight to your subconscious to do some powerful work!
Want more? Click the button to access this session and 100+ specially designed Positive Prime sessions to unleash your potential and access happiness wherever you go.
Get Your Downloads!
3 Phases of Recruiting
Use Prop Checks to Recruit
Create Your Own “Treasure Box”
Construct Your Consultant Story
Recruiting Rhyme!
Gift Vouchers / Referral Rewards
Vendor Events
50 Social Media Post Ideas
Awareness Days: January to December!
Lucky Door Prize!
New Recruit Checklist
Follow-Up Tracker
Survey Examples
Facebook Event Covers