If you plan ahead during the busy Christmas season, you can ensure an awesome start to your direct sales or party plan business in the New Year.
To get you off to a great start, you want to fill your January diary with bookings. And to help you with that, I have two tips and a kick-ass printable you can grab by filling in the form below.
Simply ask
The first way you can plan ahead for an awesome January is to re-book parties with your hosts from the holiday trade season. Simply put, you ask for another booking!
Most direct sales companies have either a new range released or extra special deals for January that you can use as a draw card for a new party. I encourage all my hosts from October to December to host another gathering in January.
I remind hosts that it’s a more relaxed time in January to catch up with friends after the silly season. And to help with that, I offer some party themes that work well with relaxing and catching up. I usually get a good response by asking that way, coupled with the new products or January specials.
Offer January coupons
The second method you can use to fill your January diary is by offering coupons or discount certificates.
You give these coupons to every customer you meet during the Christmas selling season! Make sure that the offer is only valid during January – this creates some urgency and helps you to fill your diary! (I have some samples for you to download below.)

To really make this work for you, create a list with every person you’ve given a coupon. At the start of January, you send them an SMS or Facebook message to remind them of the offer.
A great way to encourage your customers to use their vouchers in time is to invite them to an open home or an online party hosted by you.
Never fear if you didn’t get organized with coupons during the Christmas season! You can create the coupons in January and contact your customers and hosts with the offer as a belated thank you for shopping with you during the Christmas season. It’s the perfect reason to get back in touch!