Here’s a serious question: Are you ready to take consistent action every day? Are you ready to build good habits for direct sales success?
The habits you implement in your business are the difference between a thriving business and a stagnating one.
Are you even ready for success?
You’re still reading, so I’m guessing the answer to the above questions is YES!
I’ve created a 21-Day Challenge designed to help you move your business forward while you build habits for success.
The 21-Day Challenge aims to ‘talk’ to 3 people every day. And when I say ‘talk,’ I mean to have contact with. You can talk to people in person, over the phone, via text message, via Facebook, etc. It doesn’t matter how you speak to 3 people as long as you contact three people daily.
But don’t worry – you’re not alone in this Challenge. I’ll be there with you every day.
My Promise
I promise you this: if you can contact three people every day for 21 days, you will grow your business. Not only that, you will build those good habits that will help your business to thrive.
During the Challenge, I will contact you every day via email. I will help you with ideas on how to find people to talk to, provide pep talks and help you stay motivated, and help you with free printables and tips.
Your Promise
You might be thinking now, “But I can’t do this because….” Perhaps you’re an introvert, shy, busy, or you don’t know how to do it, or you only know seven people …. or whatever other reason you must hold yourself back.
But have you ever tried this for 21 days before? Why don’t you throw yourself into it and ‘have a go?’ as we like to say in Australia. Then at the end of the 21 days, you can decide whether you can do this.
When you start the Challenge, I want you to promise to put in effort every day and not give up.
Make the most of the next 21 days.
You can focus on getting bookings, sales, or sponsoring during the Challenge. Or perhaps a combination of those 3. It depends on your goals and what your business needs right now.
I recommend offering each person you contact three opportunities: to join your business, host a party or event, or become a priority customer and join your customer VIP group.
The secret to success with this Challenge is consistency. So if you genuinely want to make yourself consistent, you want to get a streak of 21 days. If you miss a day….go back to the start until you have had three contacts per day for 21 days straight. And once you reach the end of 21 days, your business will flourish!
Focus on the doing, not on the results.
Part of the power of this Challenge is that it allows you to concentrate on the numbers, on the doing. You can allow yourself not to focus too much on the results. You need to talk to 3 people daily, but you don’t need to get 3 ‘Yes’s’!
By focusing on the process, you can take some pressure off yourself and each conversation. All you need to focus on is having those conversations and having some fun with them – don’t worry about the outcome just yet.
Before getting started…
Before starting this Challenge, gather all your contacts:
- past hosts
- previous customers
- friends
- family
- acquaintances
- sponsoring leads that were on the fence before
Create a nice hefty list of contacts. And don’t worry if the list isn’t that long. We’ll also work on finding more people to contact during the Challenge. But it’s helpful to be ready with your contacts, so you have no excuses to procrastinate!
As you go through the Challenge, tracking your results is helpful. That way, you can see the work you’re doing, and you’ll also be able to see your conversion rate. Throughout the Challenge, you’ll see how many “No’s” you get for each “Yes.” And you’ll notice that getting several “No’s” is standard. When I went through a similar process, I would get excited to get those “No’s” out of the way to get to my “Yes”!
Let’s get started!
Are you ready to get started on your 21-Day Challenge? I want to invite you to sign up below – and if you’re smart, you start the Challenge with a team buddy so you can work together and cheer each other on!
Let’s build some great habits and get your business to the next level!