I’m hopelessly in love with an app
Have you ever fallen in love with an app? It’s happened to me. I’ll gush about the app to my friends until they stop calling me, I’ll point out new and awesome features I’ve discovered to my husband until he’s bored to tears, and I can’t stop using it.
Meet the new love of my life: Shuffle.
Shuffle is made by Ellify and they market it as a “virtual business card”, but that’s like calling cheese “aged milk”. Yes, it’s technically true but it’s so, so much more!
It’s a bit hard to describe how useful and awesome Shuffle really is without sounding like a marketing firm. I could tell you it’s a game-changer for consultants in any Direct Sales business (true, but boring). I could tell you it bridges the gap between online and offline marketing (what does that even mean?). I could tell you it will help you to stand out from the crowd (and, boy, does it do that!)
But if you have a go with it, you might just fall in love too!
One click awesomeness

The beauty of this app is that from one simple link you can take your customer to a fabulous looking page that is rich with information. It’s all right there on their phone, accessed with one click.
You can include links to all your social media sites and websites. You can include branded images, links to videos or catalogues. You can include all your contact information. And you can create all this yourself without breaking a sweat.
So let me tell you why you need this.
Fortune is in the follow-up
As they say, fortune is in the follow up. But how do you know who to follow up with? Well, Shuffle will tell you who’s viewed your “card” or clicked on links. You can automatically schedule a follow-up so you don’t forget. Let me just say that again so it sinks in: the app will tell you who’s interested in your offer so you can target your follow-up. You can even schedule follow-ups so no leads fall through the cracks.
How to get the most love from Shuffle
So what could you use this app for? Here is a quick list of ideas:
- Start a “text of the month club” for customers and send any special monthly deals to them that your company or you personally are offering.
- Boost Facebook event attendance. For Facebook events I include a link directly to the event from the card, a link to the online catalogue and my social media sites. I send it to the host and encourage them to text or private message it to the people they want to invite. I’ve experienced a big increase in attendance at Facebook parties because the link makes it easy for them … they can click straight in and it feels more special than just getting an invite via a notification! Sales have increased significantly too because the link to the catalog is already right there in the ‘card’!
- Make it easy for hosts to invite people to in-home parties. I send a personalised card to the host to forward to the people she would like to invite. Attendance has increased because the message feels more personal and looks attractive.
- Increase outside orders. I’ve been blown away by the increase of in outside orders I’ve received from parties since using this app. The link to the catalogue is included in the ‘card’ and in the message on the card I tell them when to get their orders in for the event if they can’t make it in person. It makes it so much easier for the hosts and the results are wonderful!
- Increase your Facebook following. I make sure I include a button linking to my business page on every card I send … it makes it easy for them to like / follow you! You could create a campaign with a card offering a reward to everyone who likes your page or put everyone who likes your page into a draw. Since the link to your page is right there on the card it’s so easy for people to do it.
- Follow up with potential recruits. If someone shows interest in your business opportunity sending a card specifically for that purpose would be a great way to follow up. You can include links directly to where they would need to sign up, videos about your business opportunity and you can personalise it with a message from you. And because the app sends you a notification when they’ve viewed your card, which links they’ve clicked and how long they spent on your card, you know who to follow-up and when!

This is just a small list. But if you apply every single idea on this list, you’d be giving your business a real boost.
And did I mention how great the cards look? How easy the app is to use? How much more targeted my follow ups have become?
I know, I’m gushing again. I can’t help it: I’m in love.
Check it out here.

I have a question about this app-does the subscription option allow you to send out unlimited cards?
Your subscription determines how many different cards you can save at any one time but as far as I can see you can send each card unlimited times…I haven’t run into any limitations with it and I use it a LOT 🙂