When I started my direct sales business, I didn’t play games at my parties.
At the beginning of my career, I thought that my guests would find games childish or just not fun.
I had been to party plan events with other companies, and I had been asked to walk like a chicken or sing a line from my favorite song – and I wouldn’t say I liked it. I was out of my comfort zone and didn’t want to do that with my guests.
So I avoided all games for quite some time.
But after playing some games that respected people’s comfort zones and focused on having fun, my results were excellent!
Guests were more relaxed, and I got more bookings and leads for potential new team members. So that’s why I am now encouraging you to try games.
Why do you want to use recruiting games in your direct sales biz?
Recruiting games benefit anyone who is not yet confident talking about the business opportunity more directly.
When you’re planning to play a recruiting game at your parties, this also ensures you don’t forget to bring up the business opportunity (which we’ve all done, I’m sure).
Games are a fun and relaxed way to introduce career options, without being “salesy” or pushy.
Guests are likely to be more receptive to the message when it’s shared in a fun way.
There are two essential things to remember when playing games at your direct selling event:
Have a little fun with it. That means you have to keep up a good pace, don’t slog through it slowly but don’t rush. Make some jokes and be a bit silly.
Make the game yours, so it fits your style, personality (and company and products).
Today I have 2 recruiting games for you that have worked well for me, so give them a try.
Game 1

To play this game, give each guest a piece of paper to keep track of their score as they listen to you recite the following poem. Anyone who adds the 25 points at the end should be followed up about the business opportunity.
You can also add small prizes (small incentives, chocolates, etc.) for high scores.
Game 2: Ask me about my job
This is a game that I play at the end of the party when people have well and truly ‘warmed up’.
I set a timer for 2 minutes to ensure it doesn’t drag on.
You encourage guests to ask you about your job as a party plan consultant. Then, you reward a question about being a consultant with a (chocolate) prize or a raffle ticket (with a raffle prize draw at the end).

Sometimes nobody wants to be first, and nobody asks you a question. The way to get the ball rolling is to act like an auctioneer and ask yourself a question like an opening bid. Make it funny, and guests will pretty quickly join in.
Keep your answers short and succinct, don’t overwhelm people with too much information at one time.
I usually throw (gently!) the chocolate prizes to the guests to keep the momentum going and add a bit of activity.
You can grab the free recruiting rhyme printable below.