It’s that time of the year to look back over the past 12 months and do a stock-take. I had a look at Google Analytics to see which articles you loved the most this year. The results are not surprising: you are interested in chocolate, recruiting and social media!
So, let’s look at the Top 5 most popular articles of 2019 to make sure you haven’t missed the best bits of Direct Sales Inspiration:
Number 5: Chocolate Game

Coming at number five: The Chocolate Game is a universal party game. It doesn’t matter which direct sales company you are with or what products you sell, you can play this game. It’s an easy game to play so it’s great for beginners and shy people too. Everybody likes chocolate so you can’t go wrong with this game! Grab the clue sheet here and start playing!
Number 4: Recruiting with Games

It makes sense that this is the fourth most popular article. Talking about your business opportunity can be a bit daunting and doing it with a game makes it so much easier! This article gives you 2 games to play that relate to recruiting and a free printable. Grab them over here.
Number 3: Plan Like a Pro

This article was a favorite from the moment it was published because I explain how I plan my direct sales business. The system helps to maintain focus on all aspects of your business (host coaching, bookings, customer care, etc.) and helps you to maintain your work-life balance. As a bonus, it helps you to make your business portable so you can work from your car when you need to! Grab the printables and read the explanation here.
Number 2: 50 Social Media Post Ideas

Not sure what to post on your Facebook page that isn’t just an endless stream of products or begging for a party booking? I’ve got you with this free printable with 50 ideas for posts that you can use as a direct seller or party plan consultant. No wonder this is the second most popular post this year! You can grab your own copy here.
Number 1: Facebook Parties: How To Increase Interaction And Get Better Results

Although this article was first published in 2018, I’ve kept it up-to-date with new seasonal downloadables this year. It’s consistently the most read article and the most downloaded freebie on the blog.
In the article I share some of the background on why you need more interaction in your Facebook parties and how to get more engagement. You’ll also be able to grab all the Facebook party games mentioned in the article in multiple versions. Get it here now.
So there you have it, the 5 articles you loved the most in 2019. If you haven’t already grabbed those freebies, be sure to download them now 🙂