Your Facebook Group is your hangout, your clubhouse. That’s where you engage with your fans, where you’re most likely to make sales and get bookings, and where you’re likely to recruit.
Additionally, many companies have strict policies on what you can post publicly, with more relaxed rules for private groups and personal messages.
So you want a Facebook Group. If you don’t already have one, create one right now!
Then the next question is, how do you get people to join your group?
Funnel people from your business page to your group
When you post about something new and exciting, such as a special or a new product launch, you want to link to your group:
Oh wow, look at this new product – it’s so amazing! Join my group to see more information [link to your group]
The new catalog is here with exciting new products. Join my group to see more [link to your group]

You can do something similar when you do Facebook Live. For example, if you do a Live video about a brand new product, you can say at the end something like, “Join my group to get more information.” Then, pop a link to your group in the comments so people can easily click through.

Once people join your group to find the information, you want to make it super easy for them to do that. Inside your group, you pin a post with an image of the product. Include the information and how to buy it.
By pinning the post at the top of your group, people will immediately find the information they want to see.
Ask party guests to join your group
At in-home parties, make it fun to join your Facebook group. Ask people to join your group, and everybody who joins on the spot gets a bar of chocolate or some other little prize.

You can reward people with party points or lucky draw tickets in online parties when they join your group.
An entertaining way to get party guests to join your Facebook group is to make it part of a game. The What’s On Your Phone game is designed to get people to join your group, and it’s a super fun game to play.
Be loud and proud
If people don’t know your group exists, they won’t want to join it. So make sure you post on your business page about your group. You can talk about how grateful you are for your fantastic group and publicly thank them when people share your group with others.
You can also ask your group members to post about the group. Perhaps do a little giveaway for everybody who posts about your group on their page and tags a few friends. Don’t ask people to invite their friends. It isn’t polite just to invite people who aren’t expecting it.
When your group reaches a milestone, like 50 or 100 members, celebrate that.
Content is king

Content is king in your group. People will only stay if they get something out of it.
Post fun content (it doesn’t have to be business related) and educational, and helps them to connect with you. Videos are a great way to check all these boxes!
And, of course, if there are company specials and new offers, your fans will want to be the first to know about it!