
Be the best direct seller you can be!

I’ve written the kind of book I would have loved someone to give me when I started out – it’s the HOW-TO of recruiting.

If you’re ready to turn your side hustle into a business, check out my courses. You can learn to rock your online marketing, uplevel your recruiting skills, or grab a quick bundle of 26 games to play at your parties!

Start reading now:

My cringe muscles are getting sore…because I cringe every time I’m on social media and…

It’s that time of the year to look back over the past 12 months and…

Black Friday is coming! This is a massive opportunity for your direct sales biz, especially…

To make your direct sales Facebook parties a success you need interaction from the guests.…

My business would not be possible without Carrie Green’s Female Entrepreneur Association. I started thinking…

Pay the Date - a direct sales booking idea

To have a successful month in your direct sales biz, you need to start the…

Title: Mindset Matters when Recruiting

Today’s article is a guest article provided by Zoe Wright. Zoe is a qualified hypnotherapist,…

Title: The 'Have you ever...?' Game for direct sales parties

The “Have you ever…?” game is an easy and fun game to play at your…

Last month I received the biggest honor of my career: I was chosen by the…

I think Facebook Watch Parties are the most exciting new feature for direct sellers to…

Your attitude is a powerful force in your life. It can affect your work, your…

These days most guests come to my parties with their phone. Which is awesome because…

I’m Christine Tylee, and I’m passionate about the Direct Selling Industry. I love to share what I’ve learned over my 16 years in the Industry with you.

My goal is to help you achieve the success you dream about! You’ll find a wealth of information on this page to inspire you to build your business, and we’re adding more weekly.

Go for your dreams! I’m here to guide you.